Once you have downloaded a wallpaper and you don't know how to use it on your desktop.There is nothing to worry about as it is a very easy task to set a wallpaper on your desktop. You can follow these steps and the wallpaper will be on your monitor screen in no time.
1 - Download the wallpaper
2 - Place the wallpaper in "My Pictures" folder
3 - Click on the "Show Desktop" icon located in the task bar
4 - Right click on the desktop and then click "Properties"
5 - Click on the "Desktop" tab located at the top
6 - Click on the "Browse" button
7 - By default the location will be set to "My Pictures". If not then navigate to the "My Pictures folder". Click on the wallpaper you downloaded.
8 - Click on the apply button
9 - Press the "OK" button to close the "Properties"
You will see that the wallpaper you downloaded is now on your monitor screen. Use the same method for each wallpaper you download. Another easy way to set the wallpaper as your desktop background is to open the wallpaper and then right click on it. After that click on "Set as Desktop background" and you are done. This is the shortcut method and also works the same.
If you are finding both of those methods difficult then you can also download some good wallpaper changing software from the Internet. this software can change wallpapers for you automatically and you don't have to do anything. For beginners who are not very much friendly with computer can use the software method to change their wallpapers regularly.
Some good wallpapers like Lake Goleon and Alicia Silverstone charming girl can be downloaded from the website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rober_Ron
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